Cardiff High School: Rogues Gallery
'Now' and 'Then' page
1968 Panoramic photo

Welcome to my 'Cardiff High School: Rogues Gallery' Homepage.
Were you a pupil at Cardiff High School for Boys, Newport Road, Cardiff, at any time between September 1963 and July 1968? So was I!
I just thought you might be interested in this site, where you can put your photo on, as you are 'now', and as you were 'then' when you first arrived, and, if you wish, some details of what you got up to in the meantime, and some contact details. You can also put on the site any school memories you have that you may wish to share with us, or remind others of.
FriendsReunited charge you £5 a year for this, but on this site, IT'S ALL FOR FREE! So why pay them, when it's free here. (That'll teach FriendsReunited to censor my 'teacher memories'!)
If you are interested, then send an email, plus  'now' and 'then' photos  (jpeg please) as attachments, to me, at:
I suggest the text format should be as follows:
For Publication on 'Now and Then' page:
Year entered Cardiff High School :     
I was in Forms:                               
and I was in                         House    
I can be contacted at:
Since leaving school in            ,I've
I now live in
I now work as a            
Further Comments:
The End
I suggest you 'copy' the above text, and then 'paste' it in your email, and then fill in the gaps as necessary.  (Or use your own format, but if you do, please make clear what is for publication on the website!)  You can add further text on any school related matter. (No libellous accusations please! Remember, I was there so I'll know what's genuine or not!)  When I receive your email, I'll put it on my 'Rogues Gallery : Now and Then' Webpage. (but it might take a few days after I receive it.)  I suggest you scan your photos at 150 dpi - no more than that. 
For the 'School Memories' page, I think it would be a good idea if the following submitted format was used ('copy' and 'paste' it in yr email text):
I wish the following memory (ies) to be published on the 'School Memories' page :
You will find I'm not so strict on the censorship as 'FriendsReunited', and I don't mind a 'warts and all' approach, but even so, please don't abuse it. And please be careful about what you say about former pupils if you name them. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since these 'happy days', and some may not wish the whole world to know what they sometimes got up to then!
I have put on several other pages on this site the 1968 panoramic photo of the whole school, in sections, together with some names of those I can still remember. (Look at the ident. key section for the names). Can you help me with the rest? (I could only remember about 50. How many can you name?). I have already received some from other people (thanks).
To start the ball rolling, I've put my own 'now' and 'then' details on the 'now' and 'then' page, and some memories, to give you some idea of how the whole site might look.
So what do you think?  Interested?  Shall we give it a go?
Ray Aldridge
June 1 2003