I'm afraid my copy of the 1968 panoramic photo has become rather like me - the worse for wear, frayed at the edges and cracking up here and there! I did try to trace the photographer to try to get another print from the original negative, but no luck. Like most of my hair, he has disappeared into the black hole of memory.
The 'ident. key' links give some of the identities of the participants. (Note that these sections don't quite match the other sections.) I'm afraid I didn't know everyone, and even with some of those I did know, the march of time and the falibilities of memory have removed them from my mind. Sorry!
There are also enlargements of each section.
And please forgive any errors, especially the Christian names (if one can use that non PC expression these days), not that we used them much anyway. I seem to recall more than half of us were called either Tony, Stephen, Phillip, Robert, Christopher or Simon - scope for plenty of confusion there!
I'm in the 4th Section, front row, second from the right, but of course you knew that already, didn't you, me being so memorable an' all!