Back row:
344. Christopher Evans; 345?; 346. Harrington; 347. Norman Doige; 348. Pathy; 349. Roger Clements; 350. John Burgess; 351. Kenneth John; 352?; 353?; 354?; 355. Cooper; 356. Alan Lord; 357. Hann; 358?; 359. Nicholls; 360?; 361?; 362?; 363?; 364
2nd row from back (roughly):
365. Phillip Judd; 366?; 367?; 368?; 369?; 370?; 371?; 372?; 373. Andrew Irish; 374. Stephen Wilmot; 375. Kevin Elliot; 376?; 377?; 378. Paul Emery; 379?; 380 . Phillip Dawe; 381?; 382?; 383?
3rd row from back (roughly)
384?; 385?; 386. Deri Thomas. Prof. of Botany, Bangor University. Now uses the Welsh version of his surname, 'Tomas' and was the only fluent Welsh speaker I knew at the school. Strange when you think he was actually born in Kent! Has his current photo on the Bangor Uni. website. Looks about 30! How does he manage that?; 387?; 388?; 389?; 390?; 391?; 392?; 393?; 394?; 395. Gerald Molan. Brother of 20; 396?; 397?; 398?; 399. Buckland; 400?; 401. Gunning
4th row from back (roughly)
402. Ceri Davies; 403?; 404?; 405?; 406?; 4-7?; 408?; 409?; 410?; 411?; 412?; 413?; 414?; 415. Craig Burton; 416?; 417?; 418?; 419?; 420. Rawlings. Brother of 130; 421. Stephen Popperwell, younger brother of 105. Now living in New Zealand.
4th row from front:
422. Hicks; 423?; 424?; 425. Rod Hastie; 426. Rawlings; 427?; 428. Jones; 429. Willis; 430?; 431 Owen Harris; 432. Clive Lawson; 433?; 434. Gareth Bond; 435?; 436?
3rd row from front:
437?; 438?; 439?; 440?; 441. Jones. Brother of 30; 442?; 443?; 444?
2nd row from front:
445. Peter Shipp; 446. Emmerton; 447?; 448. Robert (Bob) Humphries. Journalist. Currently presenter of sports news on BBC (Wales) TV. 449. Anthony (Tony) Woods. Project Manager in the Midlands. 450. Gary Morecraft
Front row:
451?; 452?; 453?; 454?; 455. Raymond (Ray) Aldridge - ('yours truly' in other words, but you can call me "Sir"). Ex TV Enginner, ex Merchant Seaman (an officer, of course!), ex Inland Revenue clerk, now undergoing a mid-life crisis - no job, no woman, too old to be a rent-boy and too young to retire! And finally....